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Definition of hope

Trusting in God’s promises

When I have hope, I am…

Sure: I know God will keep His promises.

Expectant: God will bring good to the world.

Patient: When life is hard, I wait on God.

Strong: My hope is built on God’s strength.

Some stories of Hope in the Bible

  • Birth of a Savior
  • The Sealed Tomb
  • A Rainbow Promise
  • Stairway to Heaven
  • The Bronze Snake
  • The Sound of Silence
  • Chariots of Fire
  • Ezekiel’s Exile
  • Earthquake
  • The Final Days
Hope theme badge

Adventures in Hope

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Genesis 8–10 NIV

A Rainbow Promise

2 Kings 18:17—19:37; 2 Chronicles 32; Isaiah 9:6; 36; 52:13—53:12; Nahum NIV

Insults and Prophecies

Numbers 20:22–21:22 NIV

The Bronze Snake

Matthew 27:59—28:15; John 19:38—20:18; Luke 24:13—32 NIV

The Sealed Tomb

Genesis 27:41—28:22 NIV

Stairway to Heaven

2 Kings 2:1–18 NIV

Chariots of Fire

Ezekiel; Jeremiah 29:1–14 NIV

Ezekiel's Exile

Acts 16:19–39 NIV


Adventure Theme Resources

Listen to this curated playlist of music of songs and download the Courage poster.

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