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Definition of trust

Depending on God

When I’m trusting, I am…

Reliant: I can depend on God.

Humble: I know I need others and God.

Wise: I stand firm in God’s truth.

Hopeful: I expect God to keep His promises.

Some stories of Trust in the Bible

  • Tempted in the Garden
  • Rainy Days
  • God Calls Abram
  • Cowardly Judge
  • Birthright Stew
  • Management Crisis
  • Royal Rivals
  • Lion Taming
  • A Loving Father
  • Man in a Tree
Trust theme badge

Adventures in Trust

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Genesis 11–12 NIV

God Calls Abram

Judges 6–7 NIV

Cowardly Judge

Numbers 11 NIV

Quail Coming out of Their Noses

Genesis 6–7 NIV

Rainy Days

Genesis 39:1–20 NIV

Management Crisis

2 Samuel 2:8–3:21 NIV

Royal Rivals

Daniel 6 NIV

Lion Taming

1 Kings 18 NIV

Battle of the Gods

Adventure Theme Resources

Listen to this curated playlist of music of songs and download the Courage poster.

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