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Wisdom theme badge



Definition of wisdom

Making good choices grounded in God’s truth and in faith

When I’m wise, I am…

Trusting: I know God’s Word is true.

Discerning: I can evaluate my choices.

Thoughtful: I think of others first

Patient: I can wait on God.

Some stories of Wisdom in the Bible

  • The Song of Deborah
  • Solomon’s Wisdom
  • Palm Sunday
  • Big Dreams
  • Pharaoh’s Man
  • God’s Enforcer
  • Jerusalem Falls
  • Magi from the East
  • A Boy in the Temple
  • A Sermon of Parables
Wisdom theme badge

Adventures in Wisdom

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1 Kings 3 NIV

Solomon's Wisdom

Judges 13–14 NIV

God's Enforcer

Matthew 5–8, 13; Mark 4:1–20; Luke 6:12, 17–26, 46–49 NIV

A Sermon with Parables

Genesis 37:1–11 NIV

Joseph's Dreams

Luke 19:36–46; Matthew 21:8–17 NIV

Palm Sunday

Esther 2:19—3:15 NIV

Persian Politics

Judges 4–5 NIV

The Song of Deborah

Genesis 41:44—42:38 NIV

Pharaoh’s Man

Adventure Theme Resources

Listen to this curated playlist of music of songs and download the Courage poster.

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